Special Senses – ESP and beyond…
Activating the psychic senses through intention and focused prayer:
Always go to the one God and connect then invite in your spiritual allies, create sacred space, and know that you have all the control you need built right inside of you. You can say ‘stop’ whenever you need to. You can even decide to never say ‘start’. But, of course, that would be a shame, as this is all part of the rich tapestry that is life.
In all the years of using my psychic senses, I’ve only ever seen (clairvoyance) one thing that left me rattled. Most of the time it’s events like smelling Evening in Paris perfume and knowing that Grandma is close by or smelling roses and knowing Mom is close by, and knowing things that I have ‘no business knowing’… things along that line… very reassuring and completely supportive.
7. Our prophetic sense resides at the Seventh or Crown Chakra. This is the one place where we are always connected to the Creator Of All That Is (this is a term I read about and adopted in the early 70’s when I discovered a series of wonderful books written by Jane Roberts about an entity called Seth. My Spiritual Mentor, Louise Silver, introduced me to them.) Information and inspiration flow through this centre so that we are always getting spiritual downloads that help guide our lives. This is called Clairgnosis.
Intention - "I enjoy Clairgnosis; I am willing to be a conduit for Creator's healing Love and Light for I am always connected to Source. And so it is."
Action - work on solutions to things like: Ego; having to be in charge all the time; feelings of being 'disconnected'; faith in a power greater than yourself.
6. The ability to see, (either black and white or colour: movies, pictures, scenes, and slides in your mind’s eye, and you have nothing to base this vision on as it all comes unbidden and is of a content that is unfamiliar to you,) is called clairvoyance, clair voyant, clair sighted, clair seeing, psychic vision, and visionary. The sixth Chakra rules vision so this psychic sense is connected to the Third Eye.
6. The ability to see, (either black and white or colour: movies, pictures, scenes, and slides in your mind’s eye, and you have nothing to base this vision on as it all comes unbidden and is of a content that is unfamiliar to you,) is called clairvoyance, clair voyant, clair sighted, clair seeing, psychic vision, and visionary. The sixth Chakra rules vision so this psychic sense is connected to the Third Eye.
Intention - “I am Clairvoyant; I can easily see the past, present, and future for all time exists now. And so it is.”
Action - work on solutions to things like: how you look at the world in general; how you view your relationships; how you see yourself as part of the big picture.
5. The ability to hear (sounds, noises, music, words within your head, that you have not heard before and don’t know who is speaking or what the content means as it doesn’t really apply to you,) is called clairaudient, clair audio, clair hearing, and psychic hearing. The fifth Chakra rules the ears so this psychic sense is connected to the Throat Chakra.
5. The ability to hear (sounds, noises, music, words within your head, that you have not heard before and don’t know who is speaking or what the content means as it doesn’t really apply to you,) is called clairaudient, clair audio, clair hearing, and psychic hearing. The fifth Chakra rules the ears so this psychic sense is connected to the Throat Chakra.
Intention - “I am Clairaudient; I can easily hear the messages of the past, present, and future for sound is just a vibration. And so it is.”
Action - work on solutions to things like: listening instead of just hearing the words; becoming a deep conversationalist by asking the questions what, why, how, who, where, and when; following your inner voice.
Action - work on solutions to things like: listening instead of just hearing the words; becoming a deep conversationalist by asking the questions what, why, how, who, where, and when; following your inner voice.
4. The ability to have a sense or feeling about something (that has not had any place in your life, ie: you haven’t heard about it, read about it, or been told about it,) is called clairsentience, being a clairsentient, being a feeler, clair feeling, clair sensing, feeling it in your bones, feeling it in your water, and psychic feeling. The fourth Chakra rules our feelings so this psychic sense is connected to the Heart Chakra.
Intention - “I am Clairsentient; I can easily sense things about the past, present, and future because feelings have substance. And so it is.”
Action - work on solutions to things like: trusting your inner feelings and acting on that; feeling the emotions that run through your body instead of running from them or burying them; clearing our your own resentments and things you have a hard time releasing.
3. The ability to know (having a knowing, to feel it in your gut, when there is no basis in reality as we know it, to know what we know,) is called clair cognizant, clair knowing, and psychic knowing. The Third Chakra deals with our personal dynamics so this sense is found here in the Solar Plexus.
Intention - “I am Claircognizant; I can easily know about events happening in the past, present, and future as this knowledge is easily accessed and is just one part of Akasha. And so it is.”
Action - work on solutions to things like: trusting your intuition; allowing this knowingness to express itself openly without editing or censoring; acting on your knowingness.
2. The ability to taste in our mouth that which is not in our mouth (and may have never been in our mouth) is called clair gustation clair gustance, clair gustatory, clair tasting, and psychic tasting. The second Chakra rules the sense of taste so this psychic sense belongs with the Sacral Chakra.
Intention - “I am Clairgustus; I can easily taste things that happened in the past present and future because energy can present itself to me in this way. And so it is.”
Action - work on solutions to things like: noticing when you have a sour taste in your mouth about something; when there's a gag reflex; when the acid rises into your throat.
1. The ability to smell with our nose the complete bouquet of life, all types of aromas, is called clair aliency, clair olfaction, clair olfactory, clairscentrist, clair smelling, and psychic smelling. The sense of smell is connected to the first Chakra, our Root Chakra.
Intention - “I am Clairalient; I can easily smell things that happened in the past, present, and future for the molecules of scent transcend time and space. And so it is.”
Action - work on solutions to things like: noticing when you're smelling something that is not in your vicinity; making an effort to identify where it might be coming from ie: someone is trying to contact you from beyond the veil; it is a clue to what may be happening in the next few moments ie: a fire that hasn't started yet.
Action - work on solutions to things like: noticing when you're smelling something that is not in your vicinity; making an effort to identify where it might be coming from ie: someone is trying to contact you from beyond the veil; it is a clue to what may be happening in the next few moments ie: a fire that hasn't started yet.
Should you decide to develop your psychic senses, seek out a teacher who does not lean towards the dark side of this topic. Do your research and get a referral if you can. Make up a questionnaire and ask all your questions so you can make an informed decision.
You can attune yourself to any of these psychic senses by becoming aware of which one is activated, say a prayer of acceptance around it (ie: I accept this sense of knowing, which is a gift from my Creator / Spiritual Source … and so on), tuning into it, placing your hand over the area if you are feeling it in your body, and making your intention known using the statements above.
By allowing your innate gifts to be developed naturally, you create a new dimension in the tapestry of YOU.
ReplyDeleteCheck my blog, I tagged you for a challenge I think you will enjoy; post the 6th picture from the 6th folder you have in your picture files!
Oh My Gosh!!! I have only read one post and I know I just found your blog for a reason. Well I just minutes ago asked to be guided because I want develop some of my weaker senses more so I can be more helpful to people. Thank you so much for your writing and your help. Sherry
Andrea Sherry, I apologize for not responding sooner. I need to figure out how to get a notice when someone makes a comment. Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm so glad the article has been helpful to you. Be well; be at peace.
ReplyDeleteWarmly, Lyn