Make sure the person is well-hydrated as you may get conflicting answers if they are not. The body will give answers to things that are submerged and unknown to the conscious mind, and it will give answers without being biased by wishful thinking or social maneuvering.
Energy testing is a very definite way of testing. It provides a tangible and convincing "proof" to the person that we have actually gotten a result. The person can much more easily invalidate purely mental and emotional results. Even if he/she feels good and has found out something new, he/she might still convince him/herself a few days later that it was "just" something imagined. But if we have tested it and we both realized that what used to be weak is now strong, that might weigh a lot more heavily in the favour of accepting the change that took place.
The muscles really do react to what one thinks and feels and imagines. But the test is fairly honest and unbiased; whereas, a purely analytical assessment of what one feels might not be as honest.
The muscles really do react to what one thinks and feels and imagines. But the test is fairly honest and unbiased; whereas, a purely analytical assessment of what one feels might not be as honest.
This technique gives us valuable information. It has been estimated that the conscious mind represents only 10% of our mental capacity and the sub-conscious 90%. The function of the conscious mind is to deal with our day to day tasks, keeping us ‘on top of our lives’ with scheduling and various other tasks. The subconscious mind deals with our assumptions, attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, creative thought, emotions, experiences, habits, language, memory, moods, and skills. The subconscious mind is always moving towards pleasure and away from pain.
Chakra Testing:
Chakra Testing:
We can energy test the Chakras to see which ones are out of harmony. There are a couple of ways to do this. We can have our client lie on a treatment table, stretch their arms out in front of them with back of wrists together. Then you, as the Practitioner, point to the Chakra saying its name and then place a hand between the wrists, saying ‘RESIST’ while trying to pull them apart. You can also gently grasp each of their wrists and attempt to pull them apart. All of this is done very gently and without undue physical pressure.
Finger Testing:
Three methods for finger testing: after hydrating with some water, have your client make a circle with their thumb and forefinger or middle finger.
Ask a testing question then slip your hooked index finger into the circle and try to gently pull apart their fingers ie: say, ‘My name is Lyn’. The fingers should stay together (if their name is Lyn), which indicates a Strong answer or Yes. Say, ‘My name is Ralph’ (if it is not Ralph), the fingers should give and come apart, which means No. If you get some peculiar answers ie ‘Sheila’ tests strong when she says her name is ‘George’, have her drink more water and then use a different finger testing technique.
There are two other ways to do this test: This one shows using both of your hands to pull apart his or her fingers. After asking the testing question, grasp the thumb with one hand and the finger with the other then gently pull.
This last one shows you creating a circle with your fingers, too, and using that to pull apart the fingers after you have asked the question.
There is another way to energy test that we can do for ourselves and here is the procedure:
Hydrate first. Face the north. Stand erect and bend your knees a tiny bit so you will stand steady when your close your eyes. Always begin an energy-testing session with a baseline question ie: state your name, on which you should test STRONG.
Simply ask a question or say a statement and see which way you tip. ie: “I hold the belief that I am not good enough.” If you tip forward, you do hold that belief. If you tip backwards, you don’t.
You can do this technique for one or many items/ideas at a time: Pick up a slip of paper with your statement ie: ‘taking this Feng Shui course is for my highest good’, or the name of the item in question ie: ‘taking this vitamin E is for my highest good’; hold the slip of paper on your heart, covering it with both your hands. If you lean forward, it is. If you lean backward, it isn’t. Write a N or Y on the slip of folded paper and put to the side, continuing on until all the slips are done. Then you can record your answers.
Shoulder Testing:
You can do the above technique while someone ‘shoulder tests’ you, as well:
Client: drink some water to hydrate.
Practitioner/Tester, begin by asking them to say their name. They should test strong on this. Ask your client to keep their head still and cast their open eyes down to the floor a few feet in front of them, as this engages the sub-conscious mind. Have them stick their arm out to the side of their body at a 90 degree angle. Ask them if there’s any physical reason why you shouldn’t push down on their arm ie: an injury or bursitis. If it is okay to proceed, place your hand on the other shoulder to steady them, ask them to say their name out loud, ie: say ‘My name is Lyn’ (if that is their name) tell them to ‘RESIST’, and then using two fingers placed just above their wrist bone, press down lightly (this is an Energy Test not a Muscle/Strength Test). It should be strong or may have a bit of a bounce. Then ask them to say, ‘My name is Ralph’ (if it is not Ralph). The arm should test weak and will easily go down to their side, as they lose power. Whether a Yes or a No answer is most desirable depends on what we’re asking for, but most often we will ask in such a way that a strong response is good. There is a certain knack to sensing it, but once one has got it, it is a very definite sign. Your body doesn’t lie.
The efficacy of Energy Testing:
The efficacy of Energy Testing:
Our thoughts affect us on a physical level. We can show this by having one person think a critical thought about another while they test their energy. The subject will test weak. Then have the person think a complimentary thought and they will test strong. By showing this experiment to our clients, it brings home the idea that, if we can control or change our thinking, our physical energy will be much better. End with the practitioner thinking two positive thoughts to the client. Do the test silently and then share what you were doing with your client.
Have your client stand in front of you and stick out their arm to the side. Silently think a critical thought. Out loud, say RESIST and their arm should go down to the side. If it doesn’t, they may be dehydrated, de-mineralized, their energy may be flowing the opposite of what it should be, or they may need some work on what they believe about themselves, if their subconscious believes what you are saying. Always leave them with complimentary thoughts so they test STRONG.
Have your client stand in front of you and stick out their arm to the side. Silently think a critical thought. Out loud, say RESIST and their arm should go down to the side. If it doesn’t, they may be dehydrated, de-mineralized, their energy may be flowing the opposite of what it should be, or they may need some work on what they believe about themselves, if their subconscious believes what you are saying. Always leave them with complimentary thoughts so they test STRONG.
After some work is done to harmonize their beliefs, you can muscle test again to prove this and give evidence to the client that they have made a shift. If it is now strong when we ask the same question, then we have probably resolved the issue.
One can use energy testing according to preference. It is just one of the tools that are available. You don't have to use it for anything at all, or you can use it for every single issue that you work on with the client. That is up to you.
If you do a number of tests on one arm or set of fingers, they will eventually become tired. One can then switch over to the other side or change the method of testing to something else.
One can use energy testing according to preference. It is just one of the tools that are available. You don't have to use it for anything at all, or you can use it for every single issue that you work on with the client. That is up to you.
If you do a number of tests on one arm or set of fingers, they will eventually become tired. One can then switch over to the other side or change the method of testing to something else.
What you are addressing is the mental, emotional, and spiritual phenomena that can be found in the person's world. Finding out what is there and changing it can have profound effects on health.
In using energy testing, it is important that you are very precise in what you ask for or what you put attention on. If you give an unfocused question or direction you will get a confused answer. Energy flows where attention goes. There are many texts available on energy testing/muscle testing/applied Kinesiology that can give you a more thorough understanding of its uses than what is presented here.
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